New energy

Cobots Powering Renewable Revolution

With the global shift towards sustainable energy sources, the use of cobots in the renewable energy industry has opened up new possibilities for growth and optimization. The Elite Robots cobots are increasingly used in the production process of renewable energy sources. Whether it's picking and placing solar panels, or assembling electric vehicle batteries, our collaborative robots have proven to be highly effective in carrying out these tasks with precision and speed. Robotic vehicle mobility solutions integrating our arms have also been used to patrol power plants and refuel e-vehicles (ACR).

EC612 - Automated Robot Charging for E-vehicles
EC66 cobot - Pick and place of solar cells
EC612 cobot - AMR solution for unmanned power plant patrol

Ever growing network

ELITE ROBOTS is built upon a foundation of 4 core values that shape our work culture:
cobots series

Recommended Cobots For 

New energy

cobots Applications

Common Applications For 

New energy

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Whether you want to automate, revamp your production line or integrate our robotic solutions at your customer base, Elite Robots is only an email away. Contact us and our professionals will take care of your needs.

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